ENDNOTE Training Seminar
17 November 2017 | 14:35

The Library and Documentation Department is dedicated to the effective use of EndNote software, which can help you in your scientific research, article writing and publishing process, with many features such as writing theses / essays, citing references, creating reference lists, organizing them according to different journals/thesis formats, and making suggestions about which journals you can publish. The Education Seminar will be held in the Presidency.

The date and place information of our seminar to be held on Tuesday, November 21, 2017, is presented below. Participants are required to register at so that the seminar organization to be held by Researchsoftware trainers can be carried out smoothly.


Gazi University - Ankara

Date : November 21, 2017, Tuesday

Hour : 14: 00-16: 00

Place : Central Campus Architect Kemaleddin Hall

Seminar Registration:


What is EndNote?

EndNote (Online) is a special database and bibliography software that helps you organize your references, shapes and references and suggests the most appropriate journals to publish your work with  more than 6000 different bibliography styles (APA, Harvard, MLA, Turabian etc.). It also helps your article writing process by allowing you to store, organize, scan and share bibliographic information (eg, articles, books, magazines, catalogs, visual data etc.) , v.b.)

EndNote Training Seminar Content:

  • Create personal bibliographic database with EndNote

  • Articles and full-text search in online databases (PubMed, Web of Science, Ebsco, Ovid, ProQuest, and accessible libraries)

  • Reference import options (DirectExport (Google Academic, Google Books, etc.), import filters and PDFimport)

  • Manual data entry (Create reference recording)

  • Automatic bibliography from full-text PDFs

  • Organize and manage your personal EndNote databases (selection, sorting, searching, moving, updating ...)

  • Creating bibliographies in theses and articles

  • Writing articles with EndNote (citation, reference list creation, editing for different journal formats ...)

  • Create new bibliography style and / or edit existing ones

  • Reference and library sharing in collaborative work

  • Choosing the most appropriate journal to publish articles with the EndNoteManuscriptmatcher feature

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