The Research Universities Monitoring, Evaluation, and Execution (İDY) Board Meeting was held at the Rectorate, New Senate Hall. The meeting was attended by our Rector, Prof. Uğur Ünal, Vice Rector, Prof. Serhat Karyeyen, our University’s Research and Development Institution Coordinator, Prof. Mustafa Hicabi Bölükdemir, Education and Training Institution Coordinator, Prof. Seyfullah Yıldırım, faculty deans, and vocational school directors.
Prof. Uğur Ünal stated that our University ranks 15th among the 23 research universities, placing it in the A2 category. Rector, Prof. Uğur Ünal, emphasized that as Gazi University, the goal is not merely to maintain its position but to move up the rankings. He noted that, in line with this objective, the University’s unit target indicators have been determined and implemented over the past three years through the Institutional Research and Development Coordination Office. Prof. Uğur Ünal highlighted that this practice was recognized as a model implementation by both the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) and other research universities at the Research Universities Evaluation Meeting hosted by our University in September 2024. Providing information on the project applications carried out under ADEP (Research Universities Support Program), Prof. Uğur Ünal handed over the floor to Vice Rector, Prof. Serhat Karyeyen, for a presentation on the current status of the 2024 target indicators and the definition of the 2025 target indicators.
Following Vice Rector Prof. Serhat Karyeyen’s briefing, Rector, Prof. Uğur Ünal, expressed gratitude to the faculties and vocational schools that ranked in the top three based on the 2024 target indicators for their dedicated efforts. The meeting concluded with Prof. Uğur Ünal, presenting certificates of achievement to the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Prof. Erden Banoğlu, the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Bülent Elbasan, and the Director of the Vocational School of Technical Sciences, Prof. Alpay Özer.
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The Research Universities Monitoring, Evaluation, and Execution (İDY) Board Meeting Held
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