Our University Prepares Audio Story Book For Turkish Children Living Abroad For April 23 Childrens Day
12 May 2021 | 22:25

Gazi Education Faculty, Turkish and Social Sciences Education Department Lecturer Assoc. Dr. Nazife Burcu Takıl has written the stories for 14 audio storybooks that was prepared by the Ministry of National Education (MEB) on the occasion of April 23 National Sovereignty and Children's Day to improve the mother tongue of children living abroad and growing up bilingually. Dr. Nazife Burcu Takıl has proudly announced the name of our university with this work, which was edited by Our University Education-Training and Foreign Relations Coordinator Prof. Dr. İhsan Kalenderoğlu,  and has subsequently achieved exemplary work in her field.

In the statement made by the Ministry of National Education on the subject, it was stated that 14 audio storybooks at 8 levels were written by the Ministry of National Education General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations in accordance with the Turkish that children abroad are taught in schools. and Turkish culture course teaching materials

The books, which aim to help children acquire the habit of reading with the correct Turkish and help them overcome possible reading difficulties, include information on traditions and customs, historical elements, religious and national holidays as well as cultural elements.

The books, written by Our University Faculty Member Assoc. Dr. Nazife Burcu Takıl and narrated by Gökben Çalışkan, are available at the address "www.eba.gov.tr/dil-ogrenimi/turkce/hikaye-kitaplari".

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk, whose views were given in the statement, stated that the books are a gift for April 23 to children living abroad and using the following expressions said, "My dear children studying abroad, physical distance is not important for our bond of love. I invite you to meet with our storybooks, each of which awaits a beautiful journey to our country.

Making a brief evaluation about the books, Assoc. Dr. Nazife Burcu Takıl, thanked our Rector Prof. Dr. Musa Yıldız for his support during the work process.


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